
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-30
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[关键词] 时间 ;命运 ;逆行 ;交错 ;爱


[Abstract] Thesis by comparing the original novel and screenplay adaptation of the text analysis, reflects the movie Benjamin Button(English name Benjamin Button wonders) on the basis of the text in the novel more withTime-staggered hero mind the gap, the law of life retrograde, and the helplessness of love. Relative to the novel slightly short length is more tension, more deeply rooted among the details of the deal. So start from the text of the film and novel, and two in time, character development, psychological changes, different details of the deal, as well as the adaptation of the purpose and significance, so it really mean to experience the passage of time.

[Key words] Time  ;Fate  ;Retrograde  ;Staggered  ;Love

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:很多人喜欢这部电影,研究比较了电影剧本与原著小说的区别,从这些研究来看,主要集中于从不同方面对电影、对小说原著的解读,比如说文本的不同、叙事线索的不同、意象,语言......
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