
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-08
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关键词:古筝;  摇指;   技巧练习;  大指摇


Abstract: “Shake that” guzheng zither is an important skill in, in different genres of music works“ shake that” has a different playing method. In the use of these different“ shaking fingers”, technically these different“ shaking fingers” basic meaning is the same, but in the performance of“ shake that” reflect the emotional significance is more subjective, consisting of music creators and performers decide. Zheng“shaking fingers”from the beginning to now through continuous reform and innovation, and draw a variety of string instruments long formed his unique playing technique, so that the zheng music expressive force and playing technique of one step closer. “ Shake that” skills, thumb shake is the most commonly used fingering, in this thesis, the author focuses on the thumb roll.

Keywords: Guzheng;   Finger shake;  Skills practice;  Big wave

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:“摇指”是古筝演奏中比较常见的一种指法,距今也有100年的历史,现发现最早的关于摇指的记载是在《弦索备考》第三集《海清拿天鹅》一曲中有摇指技法的标识。摇指是古筝技法中......
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