
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键词:跆拳道; 江宁高校; 开展状况


Abstract:Taekwondo is a long history of fashion in sports, in recent years, Tae Kwon Do in the world and China is developing rapidly expanding practice population, especially by young people are fond.  It has a high practical value of physical fitness and self-defense self-defense, Taekwondo there are a wealth of spiritual connotation, it can develop the attitude of human perseverance and the will and civility. Taekwondo in the Jiangning colleges and universities have a good mass base, there are signs that Taekwondo has flourished in the Jiangning university.  However, the Taekwondo carried out in the Jiangning universities in the status quo but is not optimistic.

Key words: taekwondo; JiangNing university; to carry out situation

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:研究对象是“跆拳道在江宁高校开展状况的调查”。因此对在江宁的8所高校的跆拳道状况进行调查,所调查的高校分别为:南京晓庄学院,南京金陵科技学院,南京工程学院,江苏经贸......
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