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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-06
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摘  要:哈尼族是红河州特有的一个少数民族,主要聚居于红河、澜沧江中部、哀牢山、无量山地区,以及红河、元阳、绿春、金平等县。每个民族都伴随着历史的发展以及自身需要,形成了丰富多彩的传统体育项目。磨秋是哈尼族的传统体育项目,它的特点鲜明,与人们的生产、生活密切相关,具有显著的娱乐性和健身性,使越来越多的民众所接受。哈尼族传统体育项目磨秋不仅积淀着一个民族过去全部的体育文化和文明成果,而且还蕴含着其走向未来的一切可持续发展的民族文化基因。而哈尼族体育传统项目伴随西部大开发的脚步,从高山峡谷、边陲村寨走向中华大地。在经济、文化进一步发展和繁荣的今天,哈尼族民族传统体育文化磨秋对未来的发展具有深远的民族价值意义。虽然磨秋是哈尼族的一种传统体育项目,但随着时间的推移,它只是作为一些文艺活动的表演而已。我们要深刻地认识到,从古到今,民族传统体育项目具有它自己的文化价值,有关部门应该加大对磨秋文化的宣传力度,支持磨秋在民族活动中广泛开展,这样才能保持哈尼族传统节日旺盛的生命力。本文运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法对绿春县哈尼族传统体育磨秋的现状进行研究与分析,找出发展的主要因素,使哈尼族传统体育运动磨秋得到很好的传承与发展,并提供参考的依据。



ABSTRACT:Hanizu is Honghe unique to a minority, mostly live in the Red River, Lancang River, middle part of Ailaoshan Wuliangshan region, as well as the Red River, Yuanyang, Luchun, gold, equal county. Every nation with the development of history and its own need, forming a rich and colorful traditional sports. Autumn is the grinding of Hani Traditional Sports Culture, its distinctive characteristics, and the production of people, life close related, has significant entertainment and fitness of, make more and more accepted by people. Hani Traditional Sports Wear autumn is not only an accumulation of past all national sports culture and civilization, but also contains its trend and all of the future sustainable development of national culture gene. While the Hani Traditional Sports Project with western big development pace, from the mountain canyon, border village to the earth. In the economic, cultural development and prosperity today, Hani nationality traditional sports culture in grinding autumn for the future development of a profound ethical significance. Although the mill is a kind of autumn of Hani nationality tradition sports project, but as time goes on, it's just as some literary and art activities show. We are deeply aware of, since ancient times, national traditional sports project has its own cultural value, the relevant departments should intensify the wear Autumn Cultural propaganda, support grinding autumn in national events in broad, so as to maintain the vitality of Hani Traditional festivals. In this paper, using the method of literature to the Luchun County Hani Traditional Sports Wear autumn the status of research and analysis, find out the main factors of development, make the Hani Traditional Sports Wear autumn get very good inheritance and development, and to provide reference.

Key words: Hani Traditional Sports; grinding; autumn;development

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:虽然磨秋是哈尼族的一种传统体育项目,但随着时间的推移,它只是作为一些文艺活动的表演而已,不能体现出哈尼族的传统文化内涵。我们要深刻地认识到,从古到今,哈尼族传统体......
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