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资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-01
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摘要: 微分中值定理是沟通导数和函数之间的桥梁,应用十分广泛。本文主要介绍常用的微分中值定理,罗尔定理,拉格朗日定理,柯西定理以及之间的内在联系,推广及在解题中的应用,利用微分中值定理讨论导函数零点的存在性,证明不等式及等式,研究函数的性态及求极限,从而加深对微分中值定理的理解。

关键词:罗尔定理 ;拉格朗日定理; 柯西定理;导数


Abstract: Differential intermediate value theorem is communication between the derivative and functions of bridges and widely applied .The paper introduces rolle theorem ,lagrange theorem, cauchy theorem, elaborates theorem ,elaborates the relationship between differential value theorems , popularity and  application in solving problems .Disscusses application of differential intermediate value theorems, such as proving existence of roots of equation ,proving equality and inequality ,study properties of functions, seeking extreme value. This deepens one’s comprehension for differential intermediate value theorem.

Key words: Rolle Theorem ; Lagranian Theorem; Cauchy Theorem; Derivative



上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:微分中值定理是反映导数值与函数值之间的联系的三个定理,它们分别是罗尔定理、拉格朗日定理和柯西定理。具体内容如下:1.1 罗尔定理([1]):如果函数满足......
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