
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-30
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Abstract:Einstein's relativity theory produced great changes of the physics. The special relativity theory, for example, created new concept of time and space, which changed everybody’s old ideas completely. 

  In this article we present a brief review about the history of the development of the special relativity theory and the relevant experimental tests. This paper includes two parts: First, the basic contents of the special relativity theory. It includes two basic principles, one transformation, four inferences and three relationships. Four inferences are shortening of moving ruler, slowing of moving clocks, being zero of the photon’s static mass and not allowing superluminal movement. Three relationships are speed synthetic formula, mass-velocity formula and mass-energy relation. Secondly, experimental tests of the special relativity can be classified into four categories, including the experiment for constant-speed of light, time dilation experiment, moving medium electromagnetic experiment and relativity mechanics experiment. We introduce the results of several experiments, in order to get a simple knowledge about the theory of special relativity. 

Key words: the special relativity theory, the space-time concept, experimental tests

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:两条基本原理是:一、狭义相对性原理:任何物理规律在所有惯性系中的形式不变,也就是说,一切惯性系都是平等的,不存在优越惯性系。狭义相对性原理是伽利略相对性原理的推广......
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