
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:University teachers is to develop a social talent, colleges and universities the development of national research, an important force in the innovative practice, colleges and universities to enhance the competitiveness of human assurance, teaching quality and teaching ability had a significant impact on the future of higher education to society as a who let he entire country has a long-term role. Therefore, higher education teachers has been more and more attention and inspire university teachers to better play their own value, it becomes especially important. At present, China's Management of University Teachers in transition, a result, the Teacher Incentive problems cannot be with the society to adapt to the lack of institutional, as well as imperfect measures. In order to meet the needs of society as a whole and the Development of Universities, Teacher Incentive Mechanism should be university teachers of self-satisfied, self-realization as a starting point, and fully mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the university teachers, to further enable the institutions of higher learning school quality has been improved to achieve greater efficiency. In order to meet the needs of society as a whole and the Development of Universities, Teacher Incentive Mechanism should be university teachers of self-satisfied, self-realization as a starting point, and fully mobilize the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the university teachers, to further enable the institutions of higher learning school quality has been improved to achieve greater efficiency. In comparison with foreign universities, combined with the incentive theory, analysis of China's Teacher Incentive mechanisms are in adequate, identify problems and the reasons for the improvement of China's Teacher Incentive Mechanism to provide advice and improvement measures to further improve the appointment of university teachers system of performance appraisal system and teachers' job classification system.

Key words: University teachers; Incentive mechanism; Appointment system


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:分析出我国高校教师激励机制的不足,发现问题及原因,为我国高校教师激励机制的完善提供一些意见及改善的措施,进一步完善高校教师的聘任制度,绩效考核制度以及教师职称评定......
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