
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:小时代 更新时间:2013-08-29
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ABSTRACT:Rural junior middle school sports teaching is an important part of education, strengthen the rural primary school sports teaching in rural junior middle school, teaching of physical education in school education in the position, is the important way to promote the reform of basic education. This article uses the literature material law, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics, interviews of Guangnan County Rural junior middle school sports teaching present situation investigation and study, found that Guangnan County Rural junior middle school sports teaching present situation is not optimistic, P.E Teachers' condition, sports funding, venues, equipment shortage, single teaching form, content boring, teaching idea backward situation, to a certain extent restricts the development of PE teaching. According to the Guangnan County Rural Primary School Physical Education put forward the corresponding 


Keywords: rural primary school; sports teaching; Guangnan County


上传会员 小时代 对本文的描述:农村初级中学体育教学现状不容乐观,体育师资状况、体育经费、场地、器材严重不足,教学形式单一、内容枯燥、师生教学观念落后等情况,在一定程度上制约着体育教学的发......
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