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摘要:我国已进入老龄化社会,老年人在总人口中的比例正逐年增加,老龄化给社会的方方面面带来巨大冲击,提高中老年人生活和身体质量是应对老龄化的一个重要措施。中老年阶段是体质由盛到衰的阶段,人体各器官系统均发生退行性变化,而身体素质是人类日常生活的基础,是健康的一个围度,也是中老年人拥有较高生活质量的保证,因此,了解中老年人的体育锻炼状况及其影响因素对于我们应对老龄化社会十分必要。本文将通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法,以XX县城区中老年人体育锻炼现状调查问卷结果为依据,对XX县城区中老年人体育锻炼现状、场地设施进行调查分析,探寻XX县中老年人体育锻炼的现状,以求更好地推广和开展适合中老年人身心特点的体育活动 ,促进中老年体育朝着健康、科学的方向发展。研究结果显示,影响XX县城区中老年人体育锻炼的主要因素有场地设施、经济条件、体育文化、体育人才、生活环境等方面。因此,发展XX县城区中老年人体育活动,应得到社会各界人士和部门的支持。 关键词:中老年人;体育锻炼;XX县城区
ABSTRACT:China has entered the aging society,the elderly population in the proportion is increasing, aging to every aspect of society brings huge impact, improve the life of elderly people and body mass is coping with aging is one of the important measures. In old age is the constitution from prosperity to decline stage, the organs and systems of human body are degenerative changes occur, and the physical quality is the base of the daily life of human, is the health of a circumference, and in older people have a higher quality of life assurance. Therefore, the understanding of the physical exercise of older persons status and its influence factors for us to deal with the aging of society is very necessary. This paper taking Honghe County city of old people's physical exercise status quo questionnaire results as the basis, the county town of old people's physical exercise status quo, facilities were investigated, as well as for the middle and old aged people movement, sport, weekly exercise frequency, the effect of physical exercise on the factors such as data analysis, to explore the Honghe County the current situation of physical exercises in the elderly, in order to better promote and carry out suitable for people's physical and mental characteristics of sports, sports for the old in a healthy, scientific development. Results : the main effect of Honghe County District in old people physical exercise factors have facilities, economic conditions, sports culture, sports talents, living environment. Therefore, the development of Honghe County in the elderly sports, to get all sectors of the community sector and organizational support. Keywords:in the elderly;Physical exercise;honghe City Proper