
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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关键词:篮球运动   身高   影响   现状分析


Abstract:Said to grow, a lot of people just want to genetic, nutrition, heighten shoes, etc, actually grow another important reason is exercise, including basketball sport is a quite suitable for students exercise forms of exercise. This article through the literature of 2005, nanjing traditional and non-traditional part basketball school students height statistics, points age, then calculate the average height of comparing, analyzing, draw the conclusion. In basketball, a lot of running, jumping, vertical slide not only stimulate growth, but also lower the bone can promote blood circulation, improve blood to the skeleton, stretching ligaments, thus to height development play a positive role. But today's youth basketball movement status quo and no imagination of so ideal. Among them from family, school, society, and many other reasons are more or less influence youth basketball development of the movement. Increase the strength of social popular basketball for basketball, eliminate the parents of the prejudice, change the school basketball teaching, not only can promote students' development of our country, the height of the basketball sports develop will also to have the important meaning. 

Keywords: basketball ,height, influence, Present condition analysis




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:比起枯燥无味的身体素质练习外,篮球运动不仅能够提高学生身体素质促进身体发育,其还有很浓的趣味性,更是一种时尚的运动技能。青春期学生是身高发育的敏感期,这时大力开展......
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