
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-15
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Abstract:After the survey of social adaptation in students from physical education major in Nanjing Normal University, students’ social adaptation has been found the following problems. First, the students are lack of clear learning objectives, which not only influences in their learning process, but also facts on their future steps into the social impacts. Second, students are satisfied with the low settings and lack of interest in learning and unclear social needs Third, the quality of the students’ comprehensive ability needs to be further improved. These problems are related in students’ own factors, professional characteristics, school education, and social support factors. We should enhance the body from a variety of ways to teach students the social adaptability. In this paper, these three elements such as curriculum reforming, quality of students self-ability improving, and teachers’ instruction can help us find out a lot of recommendations to solve these problems. I hope to improve the Physical Education Students of social adaptability has a certain reference value.    Keywords: physical education students; social adaptation; curriculum placement; ability and quality; comprehensive development


   随着新课程改革的实施,学校教育要树立健康第一的指导思想,拥有健康的体魄和健全的心智,以及良好的社会适应能力,是国家发展和社会进步的基础。体育课越来越受到重视,而一个好的体育老师肩负着促进学生人格发展和身体健康发展的重任。因此体育教育专业受到广泛关注,而体育教育专业如何培养适应社会的体育教师后备力量更是值得探讨的问题。本课题通过对XX大学体育教育专业学生的调查从学习、生活、人际关系三方面分析当前学生社会适应性现状,就体育教育专业如何全面适应新形势发展要求进行评析,找出学生社会适应性的不足之处,并分析其原因, 指出社会适应性对学生未来发展的意义所在,为XX大学体育教育专业培养全面适应社会需求的学生提供现实依据。


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:随着新课程改革的实施,学校教育要树立健康第一的指导思想,拥有健康的体魄和健全的心智,以及良好的社会适应能力,是国家发展和社会进步的基础。体育课越来越受到重视,而一......
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