
资料分类:师范学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-23
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ABSTRACT:Sport is an important part of quality education, build3girls in sports activities show: negative learning attitude, lack of interest in sports, participation in sports, too little time for sports and lack a correct understanding of such factors, it will damage the girls their own health, affect their physical quality enhancement, and then affects the school the quality of education. Through literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method in the investigation of the students in participating in sports activities in the problems on the basis of some girls, help improve physical activity participation of specific countermeasures, which will be helpful to enhance the school girl students' body quality, enhance the school sports teaching quality, cultivate all-round development of socialist talents. The conclusions are as follows: in the majority of girls in physical activity have a rejection of mood, has to learn the cultural knowledge of pressure, academic pressure, school, family, and other factors, the urgent need to improve.

Keywords: The third of jianshui middle school; Sports activities; student; survey





上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:女生在体育活动中出现消极的学习态度、体育兴趣缺乏、参与体育运动时间过少等现象。不仅严重影响女生的身体健康,同时影响到学校体育教学质量的整体水平,也违背了素质教育全......
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