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资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-02
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:53367
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关键词 嘉里特种油脂、食品、市场细分、目标市场、营销策略


Abstract:As the important raw material of the food industry, the special fat&oil industry is improving fastly according to the needs of the food industry. Now the special fat&oil has begun to develop into the specialization and precision, and the division of special fat&oil market are exacter and exacter.   

  This thesis firstly introduces the special fat&oil and its development, and analyses the special fat&oil marketing circumstance from the Kerry special fat&oil company which is the biggest market in the oil industry in china. Secondly the thesis lists the methods and the strategies when Kerry special fat&oil company segments the market and chooses the target market. Thirdly the thesis analyses the special fat&oil market development through the success of the Kerry special fat&oil. Fourthly discussing the market strategy after analysing the market model of Kerry special fat&oil in different period and different client. Finally through the compare with the other special fat&oil companies and five detailed samples, and the thesis have got the different market strategy in different period and different client, and then we can have the suitable strategies about the special fat&oil market at nowadays.

  Wishing this article can give some inspire to the other companies which are wandering in the special fat&oil market.

Key words: Kerry special Fat&Oil、 food、 market subdivision、target market、Marketing strategy


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文主要对特种油脂及其发展进行了介绍;并站在嘉里特种油脂公司这一目前占有国内市场份额最大的企业的角度,对特种油脂市场环境进行分析;接着又列举了嘉里特种油脂对市场进......
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