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资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-02
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摘要:随着信息技术、网络技术的飞速发展,及技术创新的加速。 企业的竞争环境发生深刻的变化,不再是稳定的和可预测的。竞争日益全球化,产品升级换代的速度加快,企业面临越来越大的竞争压力。一个企业的竞争优势已不仅仅取决于产品的质量、价格和售后服务,在很大程度上还取决于企业对市场变化的反应能力。使企业不可能只是利用自身的资源去应对如此激烈的竞争。而企业外包,是在近十年中涌现出各种新的理论中比较有效的一种经营方式,在企业内部资源有限的情况下,企业仅保留最具竞争优势的核心业务,将非核心能力的活动外包给其他企业和组织,合理利用外部最优秀的专业资源,从而达到降低企业经营成本,提高企业反应速度,提高企业整体的效率,发挥和提高企业的核心竞争力。随着社会分工的发展,外包这个新的经营管理方式会日益受到企业界和理论界的关注。





Abstract:With the quick development of Information Technology, Network Solutions and Technical innovation,the competition environment of companies is showing rapid changes. These changes are becoming unstable and unpredictable.  The globalization Trend, Fast Product Upgrade, have forced more pressures to each of existing company. The company advantages, nowadays, not only result from product quality, price and after-sales service, but from the response capability to the market. That is to say: company can no longer rely on it’s own resources to face the fierce competitions. The outsourcing, as one of effective business mode that emerged in this decade, has drawn more attentions. Under the situation that the company self-owned resources are limited, this mode suggest company preserving it’s core business and outsourced non-core activities to other companies or organizations. It is targeting to properly use the professional resources from outside company and focusing on cost reduction, fast responding, effective company efficiency and company core competence enhancement. With the social detailing, outsourcing will get more attentions from corporation level and theory level.

  As a quite new business mode, the oversea and domestic study on this mode is still on a preliminary stage, there are no mature theory systems and instructions, the paper refer to the oversea and domestic material and reference, study the stratagem of company sourcing and relevant method.

The paper firstly summarize the definition, characteristics and development trend of outsourcing, then starting from the history background of outsourcing development, analyzed the importance and negative influence of outsourcing. The paper, as well as, analyzed the outsourcing stratagem from the angels of dealing theory and company core competency. With the above as a base, the paper proposed the flow and method of outsourcing. In the meantime, the paper valuate the risk of outsourcing and suggested solutions accordingly. As anther important factor, supplier selection and validations are analyzed as well.  the last, via some real cases, the paper shown the examples of outsourcing that has been used in the company practical business.

Keywords:outsourcing, strategy, outsourcing strategy, risk and solution


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:从核心竞争力、资产专业性和技术等角度对企业的相关业务是否外包进行定性分析。分析了在外包中的存在的风险,提出对应的解决方案,也分析了影响供应商的选择的因素。最后本文......
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