
资料分类:本科论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-05
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关键词 项目管理;   沟通;    沟通管理;   城域网;    项目组


Abstract:Project management is an application of relative knowledge, tools and technical management to satisfy the demand of specific project customers.

It can approximately take advantage of the internal and external resources to reach the expected target according to the planned cost&speed.It covers many layers which include time management, cost management, quality management, risk management, human resources management and communication management.

  The project management contains many parts, which this paper will discussion on communication management in project management mostly.

  Communication and coordination are very important in project management. Because of the unique character of the project and the matrix organize, we also manage project through these characters. Therefore the project is especially easy produce difficulty in communication. It may make the responsibility crossover, the decision-making disperse and communication complicated. All of these is the problem in the communication. If we can manage the communication well, that it is the only and most important factor deciding quality , efficiency , productivity and satisfaction. 

  Written from the project which I take part in, this paper put emphasize analysis on the issues of communication management in large MAN project. It analyzes the reasons of the ABC’s communication management issues from the consciousness of communication, habit and style of communication, mechanism of communication, plan of communication and mode of communication. With joining the project, and some communication material, the author provides a series of problem-solving program for ABC’s communication management’s issues. It includes strengthen the consciousness of communication, change those bad habit and style of communication, building-up effective mechanism and plan of communication, set up effective mode of communication.

  Finally, it analyzes the effect of the ABC’s communication management problem-solving program from project management level, process of project , customer satisfaction and the environment of communication. With these efforts, it reach the goal of improve efficiency of project management.

Hope to find some way to improve the communication management through this study. Hope these ways not only improve the efficiency of the project, but also can provide some good ideas to improve competition of our enterprise. 

Keywords Project Management, Communication, Communication Management, MAN(Metro Area Network), Project team


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文从具体案例出发,着重分析在大型城域网项目中存在的沟通管理问题。从相互的沟通意识、沟通习惯和风格、沟通机制、沟通计划和沟通方式等各方面分析了问题产生的原因。通过......
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