
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-29
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关键词 建筑;建筑给水排水;高层建筑


Abstract:This graduation design is Xuzhou City Furong Town of a 13 floor building water supply and drainage design. The building covers an area of 9963.65 m2, building height of 45.30 m, the underground floor, the ground layer 13, includes four parts mainly indoor living water supply system, indoor fire water supply system, drainage system, indoor indoor hot water supply system.

   In this paper, aiming at the city of a high-rise building, according to the design standard, the understanding of the specification, the water supply system, the drainage system, fire hydrant and sprinkler water supply system, mainly in the design calculation shows how the form, has carried on the preliminary discussion.

   Life water supply system:By the water, a total of two district. One layer to three layer for low area, by the municipal water supply pipe network directly. Four to thirteen layers for high, the water pump and tank joint water supply.

   Drainage system: the sewage, waste water seperate system, drainage system equipped with the ventilating pipes, sewage is treated in the septic tank is discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network.

   Fire protection system:The fire hydrant water supply system, fire hydrant water supply system by using a temporary high-pressure water supply, fire water, pressure pump, water supply pipes, valves, fire hydrant etc.. The early fire 10 min water from the roof tank fire water supply, fire water pump from the tank by extraction.

   Hot water system:Using a closed mechanical circulating hot water system and cooling water system, the partition consistent, hot water system using volumetric water heater supply.

   Water supply system and hot water system adopts PP - R pipe for water supply, drainage system with plastic drainage pipe, fire hydrant water supply system using hot galvanized steel pipe.

Keywords  building  building water supply and drainage  high-rise build


上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:本文针对某市一高层商住楼,结合对设计标准、规范的理解,对该建筑的给水系统、排水系统、消火栓给水以及自动喷洒给水系统,主要以设计计算说明的形式,进行了初步探讨。......
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