
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-30
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Abstract:Based on the synthesis analysis, the water supply system, the drainage system, fire system(fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system) and roof drainage system for the high twenty second commerce-residence building building of military division residential designed.

   The water supply system is applied by vertical division block.Low district underground layer to the four layers, the municipal water supply pipe directly; The central five to 13 layer, high area 14 to twenty second floor, the water supply pump frequency conversion. The drainage system is an interflow system of sewerage and waste water. Water of the first floor drains together,the upright draining pipes are equipped with the ventilating pipes, and then the sewerage is drains to the municipal waste pipe network. The fire system includes the fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system. The roof drainage system is an outside drainage system. 

   The water supply pipes and drainage pipes are made of the PP- R pipes and the cast-iron pipes respectively, and the material of the fire fighting system is made of steel pipes.

Key Words:  high building;water supply system;wastewater system;fire system




上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:分析了高层建筑的给排水的任务和特点,并对高层建筑给排水系统的发展趋势进行了客观科学的有效推理,高层建筑给水排水工程无论是在技术深度上,还是广度上,都超过了低层建筑......
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