
资料分类:土木工程 上传会员:小6 更新时间:2013-06-18
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关键词 :燃气锅炉   利用率   热平衡


Abstract: Gas-fired boiler is a machinery and equipment which use the calorific value burned by the gas to heat the water and change it into the steam. The boiler contains two parts: the pot and the burner. Compared with the traditional equipment which burned the mineral fuels, such as the coal-fired boiler, the gas-fired boilers not only have a greater calorific value, but also produce less harmful gases, and have a higher utilization.

        The water and the steam generated by the boiler can be directly provided for the need of the production and the living, can be converted to mechanical energy by steam power plant, or generate electrical energy by the generator. Steam boiler is an equipment which can generate steam, water boiler is an equipment which can provide hot water.

        This paper is about 2.8MW shell horizontal gas burning hot water boiler design and calculation. First of all, based on gas components calculation, make a table of the results produced by the temperature of flue gas enthalpy for later use. After heat balance calculation, furnace thermal calculation and calculation of the convection heat transfer, the gas and air resistance calculation and boiler strength calculation is also concerned.

Keywords:   Gas-fired boiler    Boiler efficiency    Heat balance


上传会员 小6 对本文的描述:本次设计为2.8MW锅壳卧式燃气热水锅炉的设计计算,首先依据天然气组分进行燃料计算,并由计算结果制作烟气温焓表。然后进行热平衡计算,炉膛热力计算和对流传热计算,接着进行烟......
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