
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-08
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【关键词】小学; 写字教学; 策略


[Abstract] Writing,is the foundation of the art of calligraphy and also is the key to learn a language well. Writing teaching is an important part of Chinese teaching in primary school stage.It’s very important to improve the overall quality of students, enhance students use Chinese characters correctly and strengthen students' cultural awareness.If we do it well,we can improve the students' writing level and make every pupil to write Chinese characters better.So it is an important part of competence education. But the current primary school writing teaching is not optimistic. Through the research of the writing education situation in Nanjing Jiangning Center Primary School,I have some in-depth analysis on the status of the current writing instruction and the reasons,and now I propose some coping strategies for the development of the writing education in the primary school in the future.

[Key words]The primary school; The writing teaching;  some coping strategies

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:我所了解的秣陵小学还一如既往的有专门的写字课,其它地区也很少有小学保留专门的写字课,更不要说是专业的书法老师。而我调查的江宁中心小学就已经取消了专门的写字课,平时......
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