
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-09
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Abstract:Simple mathematical word problems is one-step calculation of the practical problems.It is the beginning of mathematical word problems teaching in Primary Simple mathematical word problems teaching is very important for students' problem-solving ability and the quality of students' mathematical thinking. Study and analyze the simple mathematical word problems teaching situation, according to the main problems and current situation of teaching and learning,combining own teaching practice,to than less than of the simple word problems as an example, and form the following classroom teaching strategies: First, combined by identifying the number and calculation of the teaching to train students picture talk ,penetrate “the same amount, the difference” between concept by picture talk to develop language thinking ability of pupils.Second,combined by looking and speaking,read questions aloud,hands,and a variety of thinking training to strategies for develop the solving-problems ability of the pupils.Third,by changing view ,setting context ,and compile problems training to develop students’ ability of applying mathematical.Fourth,by guiding students to develop a habit of inspection and organizing students to discuss to develop the ability of self-evaluation of the pupils.

Keywords: Primary mathematics; Simple mathematical word problems; Classroom teaching strategies; than less than 

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:研究的目的:小学数学简单应用题的学习是小学生学习应用题的开端,良好的开端有助于帮助学生更好地掌握后面的内容。所以我希望通过这项研究来了解小学低年级简单应用题的教学......
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