
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-09
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【摘 要】唐代杰出的书法家颜真卿,字清臣,官至太子太师,封鲁郡开国公尊称为颜鲁公。颜真卿的楷书和行草书成就均极高,二者既紧密联系又有区别,本文只研究其楷书部分。



【关键词】颜真卿; 楷书; 书风


[ABSTRACT]Yan Zhenqing was a famous calligrapher in Tang Dynasty. He born in AD 709 witch is emperor Zhongzong of Tang. And he dead in AD 784 which is emperor Dezhong of Tang. His alias was Qingchen and position was climbed to prince’s teacher. The achievement of Yan’s regular scrip and running scrip were both very high. The two scrip were both relation and difference. In this paper, the regular scrip was studied only. 

   This paper is divided into four parts. In part one, it starts with personal biography and life in calligraphy of Yan. His complete integrity character established the foundation of his calligraphy style. Which was said that the writing is like the personality”. In this part, written year of the works was concluded. In part two, it starts with the settings of prosperous Tang dynasty, promoting its style from the points of politics, culture, economy, aesthetics, writing tools and materials. In part three, it discusses the innovation of Yan’s regular scrip. His calligraphy style had distinctive features in the three periods which was proven with his works, the reason for the change of his calligraphy style was analyzed.In last part, it discusses that Yan’s regular scrip great influence on later calligrapher. That shows the extensive and profound of Yan’s regular scrip.

   The author consider that we should learn better Yan’s regular scrip instead of forget. And the creation spirit of Yan should be flourished which contributes to proper calligraphy style.

[KEYWORDS]Yan Zhenqing; Regular scrip; calligraphy style

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:本文重点研究颜真卿书法艺术中的楷书部分,同时也试图全面剖析他形成这种颜体书风的相关内容。对书家书风深入而全面的探究,笔者自知绠短难以汲深,理解难免有偏颇的地方,望......
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