
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-23
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Abstract: The teaching process is the communication between teachers and students, positive interaction and mutual development process, and is on the teacher and the students happened between the various properties of various form, the interaction and influence. Interactive classroom education has an important meaning, but in reality, the classroom teachers and students to interact with many problems exist. This study is the practice of the class during lectures according to experience, and record the interactions between teachers in the classroom process, put forward some classroom interaction between teachers and students of the problems and its reason analysis and proposed the simple opinions or suggestions.

Keywords:primary school classroom; teachers-students interaction; countermeasure




上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:教学过程是师生积极互动、共同发展的过程,是教师的教与学生的学的统一,这种统一的实质是互动,没有互动,就不存在或未发生教学。关于课堂师生互动的理论研究,国内外已有一......
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