
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要:关于农村学校实施“撤点并校”政策,进行布局调整的问题,在2001年的《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》中曾有专门的规定,这是目前为止对农村学校影响比较大的一项改革。基于这一政策的实施,就近十年来在曲靖市陆良县农村学校的落实情况如何,农村各小学都发生了哪些变化,大规模的“撤点并校”对农村的家长、学校、教师、学生等各方面产生了什么影响,各相关利益主体对这一政策的反应如何,这些问题都是在新的政策调整完善前需要解决的。本文结合曲靖市陆良县农村地区的实际,通过走访调查和收集资料,并对相关资料进行整理研究,从而找出“撤点并校”政策的实施对陆良县农村学校的影响和改良的对策。



ABSTRACT:On the implementation of "from point bingxiao" policy of rural schools, adjusting the layout problem,have special provisions in the 2001 "State Council on the reform and development of basic education decision",this is a reform so far greater influence on rural schools. The implementation of this policy is based on the recent ten years,the implementation of the rural schools in Luliang County of Qujing City,the rural primary school has changed,what is the impact of the massive "from point bingxiao" on rural parents,schools,teachers,students,the stakeholders of the a policy response,these problems are in the new policy adjustment should be solved before the perfect. This combination of rural Luliang County of Qujing City area is actual,through the investigation and data collection,and studying relevant materials,countermeasures so as to find out the implementation of "from point bingxiao" the impact of policies on rural schools of Luliang county and improved.

Keywords: From points of junior high;The problem;Countermeasures

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:当规模小的学校和一些教学点被撤并以后,各地就将有限的教育资源集中使用,从而避免了过去分散办学时普遍存在的教育资源利用效率低下的问题。接受调查的县乡两级教育行政部门......
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