
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-06
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摘  要: 本文研究围绕农村小学语文课堂提问存在的诸多问题,导致课堂提问效率低下,农村小学语文教师应该怎样设计课堂提问,才能提高语文教学效率。本文针对宣威市海岱镇两所完小的语文课堂进行观察,还对这两所完小的语文教师进行访谈来了解当前农村小学语文课堂提问的现状,提出相应的解决策略。本文从精心设计课堂提问内容,优化课堂提问语言,关注提问对象,注重提问等候时间与教师对学生回答的反馈等方面提出改善农村小学语文课堂有效提问的可行性策略。



ABSTRACT:This paper studies problems on rural primary school Chinese Classroom Questioning in classroom questioning, low efficiency, rural primary school language teachers how to design the questions, in order to improve the efficiency of language teaching. In this paper, the language classroom in Xuanwei City of Hai Dai Zhen two elementary school were observed, but also on the two primary school Chinese teacher interviews to understand the current status of rural primary school Chinese classroom questions, put forward the corresponding settlement tactics. In this paper, the design of classroom content from questioning, optimizing classroom questioning language, pay attention to questions, pay attention to questions waiting time and teacher feedback and put forward feasible strategies to improve rural primary school language classroom effective questioning.

Keywords: Rural Primary School; Chinese Teaching; Effective Questioning; Strategy

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:大多数农村小学语文教师认为语文教学就是让小学生识字、写字和基础知识的训练,不注重学生语文能力的培养,忽视了语文教学中的过程与方法、情感态度价值观的引导。一些农村小......
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