
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-09
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摘  要:小学科学教师在教授科学课程时,发现小学生对所要学习的“科学知识”已经有了一定的认识。有时,学习之后这些知识也还会存在学生的头脑中。这些知识就称为学生的前概念。前概念对学生的学习既有促进又有阻碍作用,教师可以利用学生的前概念进行有效教学。本文通过整理在有关论文资料,介绍前概念的含义、分类,分析小学生前概念的特点和小学科学课教学中存在的问题,提供一些将小学生前概念转变为有效教学的策略。



ABSTRACT:Primary school science teachers in primary school students already have some understanding on the learning of scientific knowledge in the teaching of science courses. Sometimes, this knowledge will continue to exist in the minds of students after learning. This knowledge is called preconceptions of the student. Preconceptions have two roles to promote and hinder the learning of students. Teachers can use it for effective teaching. This paper introduces preconceptions’ meaning and Classification. It analyses the characteristics of primary school students’ preconceptions and problems in primary science teaching. Some recommendation of preconceptions concept into effective teaching and elementary school science classes teaching process.

Key words: preconceptions; primary school science; teaching

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:小学科学课程是培养学生科学素养的启蒙课程。小学生通过教师的引导,学习科学概念,掌握科学知识,形成科学的思维模式,培养各方面的能力,树立正确地人生价值观念。小学生在......
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