
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-16
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关键词:中美数学课程标准; “图形与几何”; 关联性; 差异性 


Abstact: Curriculum is the implementation and evaluation of teaching standards, each national curriculum standards have in common, also has the difference, because the curriculum standard is to adapt their national educational development level. "Graphics and geometry" is an important content of primary school mathematics learning, comparative study of Chinese and American curriculum standard "graphics and geometry" of the curriculum standards, what are the effects of the difference of national situation education curriculum standards for two, two curriculum standards have any relevance in the "graphics and geometry" what is the difference, for China, the primary school "graphics and geometric" education development to provide new ideas.

Keywords: mathematics curriculum standards between China and America; "graphics and geometric"; relevance; difference

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:空间与图形是义务教育阶段的一个重要内容,其涵盖了对图形的理解和空间再造能力,在促进学生抽象能力的发展过程中起到了非常重要的作用,课程标准在这个方面也有所重视。课程......
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