
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-16
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【关键词】作文教学评价; 习作文本; 习作活动; 习作主体


Abstract:In this paper, in the background of Chinese new curriculum reform, based on the status of high school composition teaching evaluation, attempts to explore the effective way of composition teaching evaluation. This paper explains the facilitates evaluation of high school students writing the connotation of sustainable development, to clear the human development as the value orientation of the composition of the evaluation, attention should be paid to evaluation of the development of composition of high grade issues are identified, and try to put forward the corresponding solution strategies, which are suitable for the new curriculum reform, the trend of the times, the hope can give high school composition teaching evaluation a little inspiration.

Key words:Composition teaching evaluation ; Writing text; Writing activities; Writing subject




上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:习作主体评价是指对学生的习作态度、习作水平及其习作活动的监控能力的评价。学生的劳动即学生的习作活动或习作过程,它直接决定着习作质量的高低和学生的习作水平的进步。学......
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