
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-16
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【Abstract】Classroom learning is not only the most important part of students’ learning, but also a key point in widening the gap between students’ learning effect. Students with learning difficulties in mathematics seldom participate in class and some even do not participate in class. Based on an extensive literature review, students' classroom participation is divided into behavior participation, emotional participation and cognitive participation. In order to further study the classroom participation of students with learning difficulties in mathematics, this thesis takes 3 students who have difficulty in learning mathematics as the research object, and by studying the classroom participation of the three students through classroom observation and interview, the thesis analyzes and gives out the reasons why students with learning difficulties in mathematics seldom participate in class from cognitive factor and emotional factor.

【Key words】primary school mathematics; students with learning difficulties; classroom participation;   





上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:本研究把“小学数学学困生”界定为:首先,这些小学生在数学学习中存在困难,其次,这些学生在数学学习中的困难不是由身体上的缺陷(如耳聋、眼瞎、跛足等)和智力上的缺陷(主......
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