
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:随着经济和社会的快速发展,大学生心理健康状况及干预对策成为备受瞩目的焦点问题。现代社会的不断发展,使留守儿童的数量逐年增长,而人们对他们的关注却越来越少。留守经历对儿童的心理健康状况的发展造成很大的损害,所以目前很多有留守经历的大学生心理健康情况都不是很良好。根据调查显示,一部分有留守经历的大学生在心理上存在着一系列的不良反应和适应障碍,有的甚至达到了一个非常严重的程度。


关键词:  有留守经历大学生  心理健康   问卷调查  访谈    干预对策


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of economy and society, mental health status and intervention measures become the focus of much attention. The continuous development of modern society, so that the number of children left behind in growth year after year, and people are less and less attention to them. Stay experience on children's mental health development caused great damage, so now many have left behind experienced mental health conditions are not very good. According to the survey, some of the students have left behind in the psychological experience there is a series of adverse reactions and adjustment disorders, and some even reached a very serious level.

   In this paper, the integrated use of mental health-related theory, combined with the actual questionnaire and interview-based, have left behind on the mental health problems experienced students conduct research, analyze causes stay experience poor mental health status factors, while affect the level of mental health of this group made ​​a preliminary study of factors, combined with the actual situation analysis of its intervention measures to solve, hoping that relevant agencies and the community enough attention and concern.

Keywords: Students experience a stay;Mental Health;Questionnaire;Interview;Intervention Strategies

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:留守儿童是一个庞大的特殊群体,随着留守儿童在数量上的增加以及社会对他们关注的增多,再加上留守时期照顾他们的亲属的关心,能在一定程度上锻炼青少年,使他们能更好地面对现......
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