
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:随着我国经济结构战略调整步伐加快,企业经营机制和劳动用工制度的不断转换,劳动争议恶性事件逐年增加,严重影响了企业的稳定和社会的和谐。一方面传统的调解模式已经不能适应多元化社会的需求,因此迫切需要寻求一种更为专业的新方法。本文以社会工作介入劳动争议调解的可行性为契机,通过对现状的分析引出社会工作介入劳动争议调解的必要性,从社会工作的专业理念与人民调解的契合、为三方关系人赢得成本与效益诉求、社会工作介入的三大方法等方面出发,全方位阐述社会工作介入的优势,为社会工作介入提供依据证明,接着对政府、用人单位、劳动者进行社会工作介入的途径设想,运用专业的社会工作方法技巧促进调解的有效性。


关键词:社会工作  介入  劳动争议  调解


ABSTRACT:As China's strategic economic restructuring accelerated enterprise operational mechanism and continuously convert the labor system, labor disputes vicious incident increases every year, severely affected the company's stability and social harmony. On the one hand the traditional model of mediation has been unable to meet the needs of a pluralistic society, there is an urgent need to find a new approach more professional. In this paper, social work intervention feasibility labor dispute mediation as an opportunity, through the analysis of the status of social work intervention leads to the necessity of labor dispute mediation, from the social work professional ideas and people's mediation fit, who won for the tripartite relationship costs and benefits aspirations, social work intervention methods, starting three, full advantage of elaborate social work intervention, provide the basis for the social work intervention proved, and then the government, employers, workers for social work intervention approach envisaged the use of professional methods of social work skills to promote the effectiveness of mediation.

   This paper attempts to non-structured interviews, case studies and other methods of social work intervention feasibility of Labor Dispute Mediation and identify current deficiencies in this mode for future practice and exploration provide a theoretical proposal.

Keywords:Social Work ;Intervention ;Labor Disputes;Mediation

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:一方面为企业赢得公众形象,维护正常的生产经营秩序,获得经济效益,增强用人单位的法律意识,并提高劳动者与用人单位履行义务的自觉性。最后通过社会工作的介入,提高政府的......
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