
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:离婚是一种社会现象,也是一种社会问题,离婚制度则是一种社会制度,是对离婚的限制和保障。近几年来,离婚率逐年上升,离婚的原因也呈现多样化,如婚外情、家庭暴力、闪婚等,同时离婚人群增多,也会带来一些不利的社会影响,对于离婚后的生活和孩子也会有消极的影响。对离婚制度涵义的扩展性理解以及利用有效的第三方介入缓解当前特殊时期离婚造成的社会不稳定以及社会矛盾,是法学界、社会学界和社会工作实务共同关注的问题之一。


关键词:离婚制度   社会工作   介入


ABSTRACT:Divorce is a kind of social phenomenon, but also a social problem, the system of divorce is a social system, is the restriction and protection of divorce. In recent years, the divorce rate is increasing year by year, the reasons for divorce are also diversified, such as extramarital affairs, domestic violence, flash marriage, divorce, the population increased, bring some negative social impact, for life after divorce and child will have a negative impact. Expansion of the divorce system connotation and the use of effective third party intervention to ease the current special period divorce caused social instability and social conflict, is one of the jurisprudence, sociology and social work practice issues of common concern.

   Through the investigation of three communities in Chongqing City, the area of a few alignment divorced couples, is in the divorce and female couples divorced interviews, analysis of China's current divorce features to social influence, feasibility trial work from a social perspective, the advantage of unique and diverse professional skills to discuss the intervention of social work system of divorce, and the intervention of social work must divorce, divorce and the crowd has divorced people in the practice, in order to provide a practical reference value from the marriage system of intervention of social work.

Keywords: divorce system;  social work;  intervention

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:通过研究社会工作介入已离婚群体,运用心理疏导,帮助已离婚人士和儿童将负面影响降到最低,社会工作的介入,通过社会工作方法的运用,鼓励他们勇敢的生活,快乐的生活,分散......
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