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资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract:At the moment, because of the lack of mature and feasible civil servant withdrawal mechanism, the position of civil servants is a lifelong job for many people, which is not only bad for innovative talent flow, but also not conducive to civil servants’ administrative efficiency, at the same time, detrimental to social justice. To some extent, this is the reason why so many people enter oneself for an examination of civil servants. The problems of the current civil servant withdrawal mechanism in our country are: single exit way, exit channels are sluggish, examination system is not sound, lack of supervision, social security mechanism is not perfect, exit to re employment predicament. Priority to solve the problem is: to broaden the exit channels, rich forms, strengthen civil servants from the evaluation efforts, strengthen supervision, improve the social security system of civil servants, to change the concept of employment, the employment diversification,etc.

Key words: civil servant,the withdrawal mechanism,social security

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:随着我国干部人事体制改革的深入进行和人事行政法治进程的不断推进,健全公务员的退出机制问题已被提到重要的议事日程,这是我国深化行政管理体制改革的重要内容,也是我国公......
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