
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小玲老师 更新时间:2016-11-04
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Abstract:With a network of socio-economic and political development has become widely used in contemporary new media, has enormous influence and role in the political and economic life. With the rise of modern e-government network of Internet technology has been managed within the system widely used in the administration, network development and implementation of public policy intervention, the impact of the gradual expansion, has become one of the essential factors that facilitate policy implementation. This paper analyzes the advantages of the Internet network, together with a description of the network at the same time has some flaws, the network for the positive and negative impacts of policy implementation were analyzed.


Keywords: Internet, Influence, Action, Public Policy

上传会员 小玲老师 对本文的描述:互联网所具有的不受空间限制以及时域性决定其相对于传统媒体具有更大优势。传统媒体,如信访、参加人大以及政协的代表选举等,空间限制过大,且在速度上更缓慢,公民的政治意......
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