
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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Abstract: Citizen consciousness is the rational knowledge of citizen's rights and responsibilities, civic virtue and citizenship. Citizen consciousness mainly includes subject consciousness, right consciousness, responsibility consciousness and so on. The cultivation of civic awareness of contemporary college students is not only the need of their own development and the development of school moral education, but also the inevitable requirement of the development of socialist democratic politics and the realization of modernization. But the current situation of College Students' citizen consciousness is not optimistic, there are some problems, such as the weak consciousness of subject consciousness, the national consciousness and the weak legal consciousness, and so on, which have the factors of family, school education and social environment. In view of the current situation of College Students' citizen consciousness, the countermeasures are put forward to create a good family environment, school education environment, social environment and strengthen civic awareness education.

Key Words: College students; Civil consciousness; Current situation; Countermeasures;

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:公民意识不是从来就有的,而是在公民产生以后才出现的。民主和理性都是其重要的特征。因此,公民意识的内涵也就不难理解了。简言之,公民意识即公民对自身与国家和社会关系的......
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