
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-22
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The study of Zhou Enlai’s moral education


Abstract: Zhou Enlai’ thought is extensive and profound , full of shine. In one of his thought , moral education’ thought is a shining jewel . Ideological education, labor education, plain living and hard work education, humanistic education and collectivism education form rich connotation of Zhou Enlai’ moral education thought. Directivity, exemplary and democratization are the remarkable feature of Zhou Enlai’ moral education thought. Enough attention to Zhou Enlai’ moral education thought has great time value, that is to say, Zhou Enlai’ moral education thought is conducive to deeping educational reform, improving students’ practice ability, social carry forward the spirit of hard struggle and build teaching staff.

Key Words:  Zhou Enlai; moral education ;content ;time value

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:在周恩来看来,关于思想政治工作的要点,应该以马列主义文献和毛泽东思想著作为代表的哲学思辨资料为基础,破除唯心主义,将其作为分析问题和理解问题的工具材料,由此让广大......
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