
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-04
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关键词:泛音; 演奏技巧; 效果


Abstract: The sound of the electric guitar playing the electric guitar skills are essential to the show in the process of the electric guitar charm of the skill, the sound can be empty and bright, also can wild crude ores, or a hissing at scream. This paper on the basis of previous studies on the electric guitar skills and the effect of sound do a preliminary exploration of the tentative, electric guitar sound concept, generation of the definition and principle, type and playing the method, effects and role, through the sound on electric guitar, aims to let more people know the sound effect and use the electric guitar, and period to derive effect, lead more experts and scholars, lovers of the sound of the electric guitar attention, thus improve their performance level and the sound of the electric guitar playing better.

Key words: Overtone; Playing skills; Effect




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:通过浅谈电吉他的泛音,旨在让更多人了解电吉他泛音的效果和运用等方面,并期以抛砖引玉之效,引更多专家学者和爱好者对电吉他泛音之关注,从而也提高自身的演奏水平,把电吉......
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