
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词  《林冲夜奔》,曲式分析,技巧,呼吸,速度,力度


ABSTRACT:The dulcimer works linchong night rush is a concerto, by the master of our country famous dulcimer item ZuHua, mainly through the Chinese classics "the water margin" a work of art, the characters in the story to describe the dulcimer using various techniques to depict linchong night running situation, performance incisively and vividly. In many modern yangqin works, the representative solo has been the highest prize of 

the game music creation, is called "Yang QinQu repository of the song" in contemporary China. Its creation genre broke through the traditional narrative in the form of dulcimer, added a variety of innovative techniques, and these skills need to play through the more methods to solve the analysis. 

Key words: Yangqin, Linchong night rush, The buckling analysis, Skills, Breathing, Speed and strength

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:《林冲夜奔》这首扬琴作品,汇合了西方音乐特色,是相对于其他扬琴作品技术技巧应用比较全面的一首作品。这首协奏曲的作者是著名的作曲家、演奏大师项祖华所作。项祖华在扬琴......
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