
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:龙骑士 更新时间:2015-04-26
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关键词:    艺术歌曲, 作品分析, 演唱处理


ABSTRACT:Our country art songs with the pace of reform and opening to continue moving forward, has been an unprecedented development, showing a flourishing gratifying situation.Contemporary composers uphold and continue the fine tradition of Chinese composers, and then fusion of modern musical elements, to create a great many excellent works.Art song "repay" a song characteristics of the times with reform and opening up, and since it is a distinctive characteristic of patriotism works.Songwriter Dan Shunyi, song writer Yang Ming armies are famous lyricist composer.This article from the origin and development of the art of the song begin,Thus the art of song writing background, work analysis, 

processing and emotional concert performance of these four aspects, to talk about my feelings and understanding.

Key Words:Art songs,Work analysis,Concert deal

上传会员 龙骑士 对本文的描述:艺术歌曲《报答》的曲作者是我国著名的军旅作曲家羊鸣,原名杨明。现就任空政歌舞团创作员,是我国一级作曲。所创作的多部歌剧和声乐歌曲都得到了社会一致好评,获得多次奖项......
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