
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-04
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关键词:顺子; 歌唱;启发;感悟


Abstract:Firstly, in the preface to Shun Zi singing skills as well as the song artistic charm made elaborate basically. And this paper raises the creation purpose. In the text of the first part from Shun Zi singing skills began to pop music, articulation and phonation skills, art song, expression of feelings in singing. Then on Shun Zi's important works" home" stars" and" deep step analysis. Shun Zi's first few songs are called art songs, then through the expression of Shun Zi through the singing skills as well as the work after deliberation, I Lyric inspiration and sentiment. Want to sing good songs, just want to sing out, it is more important for works of in-depth analysis, to understand the historical background, characteristics and writing style. At the same time, but also try to blend in work, imagination, into the role, grasp. The works also batted, lies at the heart of.

Key words: Shun Zi" home" timbre perception inspired singing skills




上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:本文我通过对顺子的成长经历探索了解,通过对顺子的演唱进行研究,以及对顺子经典作品《回家》的分析,让我对顺子的了解越来越深,也让我愈发的喜欢这个用心灵在歌唱的歌唱者......
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