
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-03
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【摘要】 在艺术化教育环境的影响下,学习古筝的人越来越多,在这里我根据对古筝多年的学习经验对扫摇这一演奏技巧做一个详细透彻的论述。首先了解扫摇的重要性以及摇指的基本要素。扫摇在古筝演奏中是一项相当重要的演奏技巧,扫摇的技法如何也直接影响到整首曲子的情感;其次介绍扫摇的分类。包括双指扫、食指扫、以及我们常见的多只扫摇;第三分析扫摇的练习方法。扫摇时整个手、腕、肩、肘的正确姿势与协调,及扫摇练习的详细步骤;论文的最后讲述了扫摇在曲子中的音乐表现。扫摇是古筝演奏中相当关键的技巧,是一首曲子的曾彩部分,正确的扫摇不仅能带动听觉甚至可以带动视觉从而让整首曲子达到完美。

【关键词】 扫摇、分类、方法、音乐表现力


【Abstract】 Education in art under the influence of the environment , more and more people learn Guzheng . Here, I learn, based on years of experience Zheng sweeping roll the musical skills to make a more thorough discussion. First understand the importance of sweeping roll . Sweeping roll in the Guzheng is playing a very important skill , sweeping roll techniques have a direct impact on how the whole song emotional ; Secondly, the classification introduced sweeping roll . Including two that sweep, single sweep means, and our common more than just sweep roll  ; The third method of sweeping roll . When sweeping roll the hand, wrist, shoulder, elbow, the correct posture and coordination ,and detailed steps to practice sweeping roll ; Finally, the paper roll in the song about the sweep of the musical expression . Guzheng performance in sweeping roll is very critical skills , this is a colorful part of the song , sweeping roll not only the right ear can even bring vision to the whole drive to achieve the perfect song .

【Key words】 weep roll , Categories , Methods , Musical expression


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:对于古筝演奏来说演奏好扫摇的指法,手、腕、肩、肘的正确姿势以及协调程度尤为重要。在这里我根据自己对古筝多年的学习及演奏经验针对于“扫摇”进行了研究和分析,首先我们......
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