
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-06
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摘要: 竹笛作为吹管类的乐器,其气息在演奏中相对来说,占据着重要的位置。气息的角度、强弱影响着竹笛的音色效果。由于地区的人文环境的差异,导致了不同的竹笛演奏派别,而每个派别在演奏时所需要的音色都大不相同,所以导致气息的应用有所不一样。由于很多人搞不清不同类型的作品需要怎样气息表达,所以本文着重于谈谈竹笛气息在不同作品中是如何运用的。

关键词:竹笛; 演奏; 气息; 运用


Abstract:Blowing class instruments as the flute, the atmosphere playing in contrast, occupies a prime location. Flavor point of view, strong or weak, the sound effects of the bamboo flute .As a result of differences in the human environment, leading to a different bamboo flute playing factions, each faction required when playing sounds are very different, resulting in somewhat different applications atmosphere. As many people confuse the different types of work need to express how the atmosphere, this article focuses on work in a different atmosphere to talk about the bamboo flute is how to use.

Keywords :Bamboo flute;   performance;   breath;   use




上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:竹笛指孔通常只有六个,普通的C大调曲笛的音域是小字组的g-c3,想要通过这六个指孔吹凑出来这么多的音高,就需要通过改变吹出来的气息气流的急缓来控制了。......
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