
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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Abstract:Vocal music is an auditory art, and keen hearing plays a vital role in vocal music study. Vocal learners must seriously pay attention to enhance aural ability in vocal music in the learning process for it concerns to whether could get good quality sound and perfect performance. Hearing is the singer’s ability to identify voice quality and can help vocal music learners design imagination of voice in the heart, and finally sing it out. Emphasis the importance of hearing and cultivate aural ability is a non-negligible important problem in vocal music study. This article via the research of current college music major in vocal music study elaborating the importance of hearing in vocal music study and put ting forward how to pay attention to the thinking of hearing. Aimed at how to improve students' hearing ability; how to set up the correct sound concept; and form a good station of voice, it proposes to pay attention to "listen" training, such as tone perception, recessed perception, perception of “before and after” in sound debugging, perception of emotional release degree and so on. This article can help us solve the problems in vocal music study, and eventually achieve the purpose of improving their singing level, upgrading the vocal learners’ music quality.

Key Words:Hearing; Vocal music study; Voice; perception

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:声乐学习最重要的前提就是要会听,换句话说就是听在声乐学习中的重要性是不容忽视的,它是声乐学习者能否学好声乐的关键,加强听觉训练是提高声乐学习者演唱水平和音乐素养的......
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