
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-14
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关键词: 兴趣; 积极性;   古筝教学; 实施中的问题


Abstract:American psychologist bruna said: "learning for the best motivation, but learned the textbooks themseleves interest", that is to say, Strong study interest may arouse the powerful learning motivation, make the student self-improvement, uplifting. Guzheng teaching as an art Art classes, so that the students produce strong interest is an important purpose guzheng classroom teaching. So teachers should firmly occupied the position, Trying to make guzheng teaching classroom full of vigor, make student's interest. In this way, students for classroom fascinating but has strong Fierce participation, and when a teacher sees his students to wish for their interest in the drive and continuously improve class quality, form a virtuous cycle. Famous education experts WuShenSiJi said: "no interest, and forced to make learning, will kill the students to grasp knowledge meaning Wish. "Since the enthusiasm of students in the teaching process plays so key role, then stimulates the student to study the guzheng interest And enthusiasm are teachers guzheng the ultimate goal of teaching 

Keywords: interest enthusiasm  guzheng teaching  problems in implementation

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:近年来,随着社会的进步和人们追求艺术的热情提高,学习古筝的人越来越多,其中4~15岁的儿童是学习者中的主力军,但是,由于儿童年龄偏小,行为具有强烈的情绪性,自我控制能力......
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