
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:怪叔叔 更新时间:2014-03-19
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摘要: 奥地利著名作曲家舒伯特在艺术歌曲方面,创作了一批具有划时代影响的艺术歌曲,他的艺术歌曲具有独特的风韵,旋律是歌词内涵的自然流露,艺术歌曲的伴奏在歌曲中占有重要的地位,甚至具有独奏的价值,承载了演唱旋律难以表达的内容,通过调性、音区、和声的色彩变化,赋予艺术歌曲新的生命,使之具有浪漫主义的抒情性和传记性。




Abstract:Well-known Austrian composer Franz Schubert in the Lied in, creating a number of epoch-making impact of Lied and his Lied has a unique charm, melody is the meaning of spontanrous lyrics, art songs, the accompaniment of the song occupies an important position, and even the value of a solo, hosts a singing melody difficult to express the content, through the tonal, tone zone, harmony of color changes, giving new life to Lied. so it has a romantic lyricism and biographical.

   This selected composer representative of the famous work, “Death and the Maiden”as an analytical study, the focus of its piano accompaniment of musiucal form through the structure and harmony, as well as concerts of works dealing with areas such as a more systematic analysis of the to make Lied of Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden”has an overall knowledge. Let the value of its unique artistic charm of the song, understand the master Schubert distinct personality and simplicity of folk customs, and his remarkable skill and wisdow.

Keywords:Schubert; Lied; Death and the Maiden; music analysis; performing treatment

上传会员 怪叔叔 对本文的描述:舒伯特的艺术歌曲具有划时代的意义,旋律是歌词内涵的自然流露,艺术歌曲的伴奏在歌曲中占有一定的地位,甚至具有独奏的价值,承载了演唱旋律难以表达的内容,通过调性、音区......
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