
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-17
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关键词:美声唱法; 男高音; 整体歌唱; 关闭唱法; 艺术歌曲; 两地曲; 艺术特色


Abstract:all the voices of the men and women the hardest to teach one of the most difficult part is the tenor part, so it was dubbed the "hard treble. The article focuses on thetenor voices singing treble and essentials, in particular to address the core issue of how we can sing praises treble technology; the two song "is the representative works of thecomposer, Mr. Zhu Liangzhen considerable artistic characteristics. Its features aremainly reflected in three aspects: the lyrics picturesque; music passionate; concertsincere and touching. Works melody popular and easy to remember, flexible rhythmchanges, and meets the audience's taste, but also meet the requirements of the singer to play the bel canto techniques, favored by the general tenor. 

Keywords: Bel canto; tenor; overall singing; off singing; art songs; the song of the two places; artistic features

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:中国是一个出男高音的国度,具备条件的男高音非常之多,令全世界羡慕。但是我们的成才率却非常低,更别说是达到世界顶尖级水平的演员了,更是凤毛麟角。一批批有好条件的人才......
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