
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键词:久石让; 钢琴; 写作手法


Abstract:Hisaishi music beyond the classical and popular boundaries, serious and yet relaxed.Hisaishi's piano works in this era of high-speed development, culture and the changing today, still enduring, is so welcome by the public, and its depth because of Hisaishi's piano music has a unique style, from the musical form of his workstructure,Texture, harmony, etc., can get a glimpse. This issue through the above aspects, characteristics summed Hisaishi Piano Music. Be able to let more people understand Hisaishi Piano music, favorite Hisaishi's piano works, and in playing his own works at the same time be able to feel the composers would like to express special feelings and moods.

Key words:Jou Hisaishi; Piano; Writing Methods

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:钢琴永远是久石让音乐作品里的主角,在久石让的很多作品里,有很大一部分是专门写给钢琴的,比如《Piano Stories》、《Piano Stories II - The Wind of Life》、《Piano Stories III - Nostalgia》、《......
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