
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-22
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关键词:音乐剧;《西贡小姐》; 戏剧; 音乐


Abstract:Musicals first appeared in the late 19th century,and flourished in the late 20th century,it blends songs,dance,drama into one.Generally speaking,it is supported by a simple and creative plot,bases on the dramatic performance of the actors,music and dance could fully play their potential and fuses these factors into one unified art genre.The word "Musical" is an attractive term,it by virtue of their bizarre artistic effect the story of an intoxicating drama has swept the world,and contests with great vitality in the consumer market on the World Cultural,and has been becoming a popular culture of a Pearl.It's such magical that attract millions of audiences and let them fascinated.This paper focuses on the "Miss Saigon" as an example,from the aspects of drama and music to analyze its artistic features,discuss the great charm of musicals and let me contemplate the current situation of Chinese musical.

Key words:musical; "Miss Saigon";  drama;  music

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:本文也主要围绕该剧的戏剧情节和剧中的音乐概括出《西贡小姐》的艺术魅力所在,再对照目前中国音乐剧的现状,结合现当今中国音乐剧的发展,提出自己对中国音乐剧当代命运的见......
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