
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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【关键词】二胡; 运弓; 长弓; 快弓; 风格


【Abstract】Erhu is the most representative national instrument in China one of the important instruments. With the vigorous development of the folk music, erhu art rising prosperity, erhu the Chinese ethnic Musical Instruments with the help of the many erhu performing artists from the initial rumours towards the world stage.As some outstanding erhu solo appeared continuously, and the emergence of a large number of outstanding erhu players, enriched the erhu playing techniques, widen the erhu expressive force, to promote the development of erhu art and makes the erhu in the position in national music into the peak.The erhu artists around the tour proved erhu music cultures in the world also has a certain weight, to foreign music culture has also had a certain effect; Masters, under the joint efforts of both at home and abroad to create a lot of style of outstanding works in erhu, erhu playing style and technique innovation. In erhu, basic measure and decided to erhu performer level is of crucial factors.

【Keywords】 Erhu; Ship bow; A bow long; Quickly bow; style

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:二胡是最具代表性的中国民族乐器的乐器之一,那么我们如何才能充分钻研二胡艺术,将二胡的表现力发挥的淋漓尽致?我认为,在二胡演奏中,正确的运弓是获得悦耳动听的声音的关......
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