
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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关 键 词:库夏科夫;组曲《冬季素描》;音乐研究


Abstract:Cu Natsu Kopf is one of the most important composers of Russia, many excellent accordion his works have become classics, also made a great contribution for the development of accordion art. Cu Natsu Kopf's romantic blood through the "winter sketches" many aspects of this work to play, all at the same time using the twentieth Century special new composing techniques, show unique charm to the organ. Through the analysis of "winter sketches", creative features and style characteristics can detailed grasp of Cu Natsu Kopf's works, and a deeper understanding to the composer for emotion expression way of work, deeply appreciate the mentality of creative composer.

Keywords: Cu Natsu Kopf;winter sketches;musicology

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:《冬季素描》组曲是库夏科夫手风琴作品的代表作,库夏科夫在1981年创作了《冬季素描》。它的创作风格是将传统与现代风格相结合,体现了新浪漫主义的风格,这部作品还深刻的反映......
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