
资料分类:音乐舞蹈论文 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-28
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[关键词]河阳山歌; 风格特征; 文化传承


[Abstract]HeYang song river in ancient east YiZu dry tribe original folk songs only, it will be labor, human nature, religion, imitate the four major factors skillfully fuses in together, it is zhangjiagang city southern labor people's own song, has a history of thousands of years. Original Zhou Weishi, chairman of the China federation has to define its value in such four words: kindness of the people, nation, national treasure, the world wonders. It is the treasure of Chinese national folk culture, it is not to obtain the frontal part of the national folk music. Through to the Herang song river are briefly introduced in this paper, make everybody know about the development history of it. Through the analysis of the characteristics of its style, enables people to learn from his lyrics and singing, melody some of its characteristics, and to have a deeper understanding to it, for people to appreciate and learn singing river Herang play a role, and can promote the prosperity and development of the Herang song river. 

[Key words]HeYang song river;  Style characteristic;  Cultural heritage

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:以此作为本科毕业的研究课题,通过对已有研究成果和切实的调查,结合自己的专业知识,对河阳山歌的简要介绍,使得大家大概了解它的发展历史。通过对其风格特征的分析,使得人......
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